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Książki i artykuły - Jak zaawansowana była medycyna wiele tysięcy lat temu?

Hannibal - Wto Sty 26, 2010 14:53
Temat postu: Jak zaawansowana była medycyna wiele tysięcy lat temu?
Stone Age amputee proves Neolithic medics more advanced than previously thought

Stone Age medicine was far more advanced than previously thought, scientists discovered, after unearthing the 7,000-year-old skeleton of a man with an amputated arm.

Early Neolithic surgeons used a sharpened flint stone and rudimentary anaesthetics to amputate the elderly man’s left forearm, and treated the wound in sterile conditions, experts believe.

Evidence of the early surgery was unearthed by Cécile Buquet-Marcon and Anaick Samzun, both archaeologists, and Philippe Charlier, a forensic scientist, during work on a tomb discovered at Buthiers-Boulancourt, about 40 miles south of Paris.

The man, who lived in the Linearbandkeramik period, when European hunter-gatherers began subsistence farming, was found to be missing his forearm and hand bones.

Tests showed that the humerus bone had been severed above the elbow in what scientists described as “an intentional and successful amputation”.

The patient, who is likely to have been a warrior, is thought likely to have damaged his arm in a fall, animal attack or battle.

Pain-killing plants such as the hallucinogenic Datura are likely to have been used in the operation, and the wound was probably cleaned using antiseptic herbs like sage, the scientists said.

“I don’t think you could say that those who carried out the operation were doctors in the modern sense that they did only that, but they obviously had medical knowledge,” Mrs Buquet-Marcon said.

Researchers have also recently reported signs of two other Neolithic amputations in Germany and the Czech Republic.

Stone Age doctors were previously known to have performed trephinations, making incisions in the skull, but not amputations.

źródło: http://www.telegraph.co.u...ly-thought.html

Bruford - Śro Sty 27, 2010 10:04

Owszem ciekawe ale w sumie nie zaskakujące.Amputacja akurat jest w sumie strasznie prostym zabiegiem w sensie technicznym.Antyczni helleni nie tylko nawet potrafili ją wykonać (co oczywiste) ale (uwaga bo to istotne) umieli hamować krwawienie poprzez podszywanie naczyń -- ten prosty niby fakt świadczy o tym,że sama technika amputacji już jakiś czas musiała się rozwijać.Wbrew pozorom , z całego "pakietu amputacyjnego" to akurat sam zabieg jest najprostszy.
Hannibal - Śro Sty 27, 2010 10:16

a trepanacja? pewnie robili operacje neurochirurgiczne, a to już proste nie jest
Bruford - Śro Sty 27, 2010 10:22

Hannibal napisał/a:
a trepanacja? pewnie robili operacje neurochirurgiczne, a to już proste nie jest

Trepanacja w sensie technicznym jest również bardzo prostym zabiegiem.Problemy tkwią gdzie indziej.

Hannibal - Śro Sty 27, 2010 10:33

Bruford napisał/a:
Trepanacja w sensie technicznym jest również bardzo prostym zabiegiem.Problemy tkwią gdzie indziej.

No ja wiem, ze sama trepanacja jest prosta, ale już szybkie skuteczne odbarczenie, usunięcie krwiaka to już więcej zachodu.
Nie wiadomo jednak jak skomplikowane operacje robili na głowie. Chyba do mikroneurochirurgicznych nie doszli, IMO.

Bruford - Śro Sty 27, 2010 10:43

Hannibal napisał/a:
Bruford napisał/a:
Trepanacja w sensie technicznym jest również bardzo prostym zabiegiem.Problemy tkwią gdzie indziej.

No ja wiem, ze sama trepanacja jest prosta, ale już szybkie skuteczne odbarczenie, usunięcie krwiaka to już więcej zachodu.
Nie wiadomo jednak jak skomplikowane operacje robili na głowie. Chyba do mikroneurochirurgicznych nie doszli, IMO.

Ja to myślę ,że do żadnych realnie nie doszli poza trepanacją.

Anonymous - Śro Sty 27, 2010 13:03

A czytał ktoś "Egipcjanina Sinuhe"? Sinuhe był królewskim trepanatorem i Waltari w swojej powieści opisuje udane operacje wyciągania "jaj demonów" z głowy faraona.
Waltari musiał to zaczerpnąć z jakichś źródeł historycznych.

gudrii - Śro Sty 27, 2010 20:37

The healing traditions of Native Americans have been practiced in North America since at least 12,000 years ago and possibly as early as 40,000 years ago. Although the term Native American medicine implies that there is a standard system of healing, there are approximately 500 nations of indigenous people in North America, each representing a diverse wealth of healing knowledge, rituals, and ceremonies.

Theories of disease causation and even the names of diseases vary from tribe to tribe. Diseases may be thought to have internal or external causes or sometimes both. According to Cherokee medicine man Rolling Thunder, negative thinking is the most important internal cause of disease. Negative thinking includes not only negative thoughts about oneself but also feelings of shame, blame, low self-esteem, greed, despair, worry, depression, anger, jealousy, and self-centeredness. Johnny Moses, a Nootka healer, says "No evil sorcerer can do as much harm to you as you can do to yourself."

Diseases have external causes too. "Germs are also spirits," according to Shabari Bird of the Lakota Nation. A person is particularly susceptible to harmful germs if they live an imbalanced life, have a weak constitution, engage in negative thinking, or are under a lot of stress. Other people or spirits may also be responsible for an illness. Another external source of disease is environmental poisons. These poisons include alcohol, impure air, water, and some types of food.

Native American medicine has been passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years. Healing power can come from one's ancestors, another healer, or through training and initiation. Generally, healers train under one primary mentor. Today, however, with the ease of long-distance travel and communication, many healers have several mentors. Training as a medicine person is a long process that requires strength, sacrifice and patience. Denet Tsosi, a Navajo medicine man, said that it took him six years to learn one of the chants.

wiecej, Linda Chrisman "Native American medicine". Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. FindArticles.com. 27 Jan, 2010. http://findarticles.com/p.../ai_2603000543/

Mysle ze jednak byli, sa i dlugo beda duzo bardziej zaawansowni od nas wspolczesnych ludkow. Indianie bradzo dobrze podchodza do tematu leczenia i wspolczesnych chorob twierdzac ze choroby bialych potrzebuja "lekarstw" bialych. Bardzo dobrze ze sie odcinaja od tego naszego "bialego" balaganu, nawet na nas patrza jak na prymitywow.

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