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Medycyna konwencjonalna - Klitoridektomia

Witold Jarmolowicz - Pią Wrz 16, 2016 20:30
Temat postu: Klitoridektomia
In the 19th century, a clitoridectomy was thought to curb female masturbation.[8] Isaac Baker Brown (1812–1873), an English gynaecologist who was president of the Medical Society of London believed that the "unnatural irritation" of the clitoris caused epilepsy, hysteria, and mania, and he worked "to remove [it] whenever he had the opportunity of doing so", according to his obituary in the Medical Times and Gazette.
For a time female circumcision was done as a cure for insanity. Some practitioners of medicine in the Victorian era believed that mental and emotional disorders were related to female reproductive organs. Some thought that removing the clitoris would cure the neurosis. This treatment was discontinued in 1867.[10]

Jeżeli ktoś myśli, że angielscy lekarze zaprzestali klitoridektomii w 1867 roku i dziś tylko jest kultywowana poza Europą, to się myli.

In 2013, it was disclosed in a medical journal that four unnamed elite female athletes from developing countries were subjected to gonadectomies and partial clitoridectomies after testosterone testing revealed that they had an intersex condition.[19][20] In April 2016, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on health, Dainius Pūras, condemned this treatment as a form of female genital mutilation "in the absence of symptoms or health issues warranting those procedures."[21]

W 2013 roku zostało ujawnione, że cztery kobiety z elity sportowej rozwiniętych krajów były poddane usunięciu jajników i częściowo łechtaczki, co odkryto po teście poziomu testosteronu, który wykazał ich interseksualność.

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